04 January 2010


I took the following pictures to chronicle a physical process that can be highly allegorical.  If you look at it from the ocean's perspective, you can see how powerful waves are and how interrelated the sea is with human life.  I like to look at it from the boat's perspective, in which a decent boat motor malfunctioned one day and the fishermen had no way to prevent the boat from capsizing.  Once it capsized, the fishermen abandoned it completely, leaving it to be beaten by the relentless waves.  Sometimes I feel that our sanity is like this.  It goes for a minute and people get labeled and abandoned to slowly disintegrate.
Enjoy the pictures, even if you don't feel like interpreting anything beyond what is visible. The original album can be found here.


osito said...

Amazing! Were you thinking on documenting this the time you took the first picture?

it's actually faster than i would thought... what's that physics term? is it inertia or entropy...

Unknown said...

Jason - Thanks! I took the first picture hoping that I would be able to visit regularly and chronicle the disintegration process. I had figured that it would take 2 or 3 years, but it turned out to take much less time. This is pure entropy!

Nabil said...


Thanks for posting such expressive pictures. I just couldn't stop thinking on people who get labeled just because they lost "sanity" for a few seconds and are probably branded for life... oh, and curiously, the boat's name is Santa Teresita... what did a Saint do to deserve being abandoned to her fate??